New posts in physics

Why use a particular regularization for $\int_0^\infty \mathrm{d}x\,e^{i p x}$?

Help computing an integral for Green's function of a discrete Laplacian on a square lattice

How much can we "cheat" and use vector knowledge in complex analysis?

What is a particle mathematically?

Simple Statics Force diagram problem using moments.

Electric field and curvature

Reference request: books that describe application of physical reasoning to mathematical problems

What Is the Hardest Shape To Roll?

Which of the following is gradient/Hamiltonian( Conservative) system

The mathematics behind Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients

Mathematicians conceived of black holes long before astronomers actually found any?How?

Why is "$\pi^2= g $" where $g$ is the gravitational constant?

What are integrating factors, really?

How to code the projectile of a ball of different force and angle in Java Swing?

Is there a standard way to write a second definite integral?

Game network physics collision

Products of Infinitesimals

What is a good reference for rigorous Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics?

Is there a unit equal to 2pi radians?

Closed form of $\int_0^1 \tan(\gamma\sqrt{1-x^2}) dx$