New posts in spectral-theory

Help computing an integral for Green's function of a discrete Laplacian on a square lattice

"bounding" an unbounded operator

What is the use of Spectral Theorem?

Spectrum proofs

Sturm-Liouville problem and periodic boundary conditions

Ways to calculate the spectrum of an operator

Gelfand formula for the spectral radious.

Absolutely continuous spectrum invariant under unitary equivalence

Spectrum of a compact operator

Eigenvalues and Spectrum

Property of spectrum of an operator: $\sigma(T)=\sigma_{app}(T)\cup\sigma_{comp}(T)$

The spectral radius of normal operator

Spectral Theorem applied to $\frac{d^2}{dx^2}$

Eigenvalues of doubly stochastic matrices

Prove that if $A$ is a normal operator on an complex separable hilbert space $H$ and $A^{3} = A^{4}$ then $A$ is self adjoint

Quantization of angular momentum: is Dirac's proof wrong?

Reason for Continuous Spectrum of Laplacian

Definition of resolvent set

Convergence of spectra under strong convergence of operators

C*-algebras and unitary elements. [closed]