New posts in vector-fields

Can we approximate a vector field on the plane with non-vanishing vector fields in $L^2$?

Electric field and curvature

what is the meaning of the notation $f: A\times B \rightarrow C$

Divergence in curvilinear coordinates

Why the mapping $1/\bar{z}$ look like the field lines of an electric dipole?

Line integral of non conservative vector field

How to change coordinates of a vectorfield $X$ on $\mathbb{R}P^2$

Problem on finding integral submanifold of a smooth rank-$2$ distribution .

Vector fields, line integrals and surface integrals - Why one measures flux across the boundary and the other along?

(Vishik's Normal Form) Behavior of a vector field near the boundary of a manifold

Explanation for example of flow generated by vector field

Can we actually walk along the gradient of a scalar to climb the hill faster?

Is a general smooth rescaling of a complete vector field itself complete?

Compute the pushforward of the vector field $\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}$ via a given function $\phi$

What is the cross product in spherical coordinates?

Find a vector field $G$ with curl ($G$) = $F$

Does every smooth local frame of the tangent bundle correspond to a chart?

Prove the existence of such an immersion

Show $\ker(\alpha)=\ker(\alpha)^2 \ \iff \ \ker(\alpha)\cap \mathrm{Im}(\alpha)=\{0\}$

Lie derivative w.r.t. time-dependent field