New posts in vector-fields

Finding potential function for a vector field

What does it mean to apply a vector field to a scalar function?

Finding vector fields with given properties

What is the Derivative of a Vector Field in a Manifold?

Relation between exterior derivative and Lie bracket

Smooth vector field over $S^1$

Pushforward of the vector field $\dfrac{d}{dx}$ by exponential, i.e $exp_{*}\dfrac{d}{dx}$ = $x\dfrac{d}{dx}$ on $R_{+}^*$

Why is there no $B$ component of acceleration in my Multivariable Calculus class?

Parametric Volume, volume analogue of parametric surface?

Frenet-Serret and Vector Fields

Define vector field with known curl and div [duplicate]

Prove that divergence and curl free vector field is a constant vector field

Proving The Extension Lemma For Vector Fields On Submanifolds

Could exists a vector field on $\mathbb{S}^{2}$ with exactly $n$ zeroes?

Computing the Lie bracket on the Lie group $GL(n, \mathbb{R})$

How to handle the differential of a vector field, ${\rm d}X:TM\to TTM$, in terms of (equivalence classes of) curves?

How to find the critical point for this Coulomb field

Distinction between Lie Algebra of differentiable manifolds and Lie Algebra of Lie Group

Why does vector field <x, -y> have 0 divergence?

What is the definition of the vector field which is generated by rotations of the circle