New posts in nonstandard-analysis

Is there a universal property for the ultraproduct?

A layman's motivation for non-standard analysis and generalised limits

Products of Infinitesimals

Why adjoining non-Archimedean element doesn't work as calculus foundation?

Defining the Derivative using Internal Set Theory (Non Standard Analysis)

Basic Geometric intuition, context is undergraduate mathematics

l'Hopital's questionable premise?

Hyperreal field extension

What is the topology of the hyperreal line?

Uniqueness of hyperreals contructed via ultrapowers

What are the disadvantages of non-standard analysis?

Do hypercontinuous fields exist?

Why hyperreal numbers are built so complicatedly?

Can nonstandard analysis give a uniform probability distribution over the integers?

I would like to know an intuitive way to understand a Cauchy sequence and the Cauchy criterion.

What's an example of an infinitesimal?

How can $0.999\dots$ not equal $1$?

What does limit actually mean?

Non-ZFC set theory and the hyperreals: problem solved?

Does every Cauchy net of hyperreals converge?