New posts in classical-mechanics

Geometric meaning of a matrix decomposed into its symmetric and skew-symmetric parts

Simple Statics Force diagram problem using moments.

How does energy conservation follow from Newton's second law?

The Norton's dome suggesting non-determinism in classical physics

Lagrangian Mechanics & Derivatives

What is the ideal class group of the ring $\mathbb{R}[x,y]/(x^2+y^2-1)$?

Why don't we differentiate velocity wrt position in the Lagrangian?

On the Liouville-Arnold theorem

What is the integral ∫x(t)dt

Car movement - differential geometry interpretation

Prove that $\int \ddot{x}(t)\mathrm dt=v_0 + \frac{F_0}{m}t$

A 6 meter ladder...

what would a planetary orbit look like if gravity had constant magnitude?

Is it possible to formulate variational calculus geometrically?

Why is the momentum a covector?

Old O level additional mathematics question on linear motion

Particle on vertex of a polygon moving towards adjacent particle.

Checking my understanding of $T^*M$ as a symplectic manifold and the links between the classical description of Lagrangians vs this invariant way.

Find the expression for the work done in turning the cylinder through one revolution

How to solve harmonic oscillator differential equation: $\dfrac{d^2x}{dt^2} + \dfrac{kx}{m} = 0$