New posts in symplectic-geometry

Finding the lie algebra of the symplectic lie group

Tangent space of Cotangent bundle at zero section?

Generalizing results on dynamical systems on $\mathbb{R}^n$ to results on general manifolds

Convex boundary of a symplectic manifold

Showing that some symplectomorphism isn't Hamiltonian

Are there exotic symplectic structures on $ S^2 $?

Physicist trying to understand GIT quotient

Floer theory or Floer homology, an introduction for physicists needed

Why is the moduli space of flat connections a symplectic orbifold?

Checking my understanding of $T^*M$ as a symplectic manifold and the links between the classical description of Lagrangians vs this invariant way.

Why is $Sp(2m)$ as regular set of $f(A)=A^tJA-J$, and, hence a Lie group.

No symplectic structure on $S^{2n},\ n>1$

How to derive the standard symplectic form on a 2-sphere in cylindrical polar coordinates?

Prove that symplectic Lie algebras, $\mathfrak{sp}(n)$, are simple

Why spheres are not symplectic manifolds?

What is symplectic geometry? [closed]

What are Darboux coordinates?

Symplectic reversing diffeomorphisms

Arnold's theorem on action-angles.

Euler characteristic expression in terms the number of fixed points of an $\mathbb{S}^1$ action