New posts in fourier-transform

Computing the Fourier transform of $H_k(x)e^{-x^2/2}$, where $H_k$ is the Hermite polynomial.

Fourier Transform of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{|x|}}$

Applying the Fourier transform to Maxwell's equations

Sup norm of Fourier transform of $ \frac{\sin |x|}{|x|^\lambda} \mathbb 1_{\{2^k\le |x| <2^{k+1}\}}, \ 0<\lambda<n $

Inverse Fourier transform of $\text{sinc}(t)^{1/k}$

Problem $u_t - u_{xx} = e^t$ in $\mathbb{R} \times (0,+\infty)$

Greens function of Laplace operator

A proof of the fact that the Fourier transform is not surjective from $\mathcal{L}^1(\mathbb{R})$ to $C_0( \mathbb{R})$

Littlewood-Paley decomposition

Integrating Powers of $\frac{\sin x}{x}$ using Fourier Transforms

How do Integral Transforms work

What's the Fourier transform of $\delta_{x-y^2}$

Fourier transform of a real function is real

Can I make this deduction involving inner product, discrete/continuous convolution and Fourier transform?

Is $(1-x)^{\alpha} \log(1-x)$ a Sobolev function?

Asymptotic answer of Fourier transform radially symmetric function with a ring of minimum

Which conditions must fulfill $f(t)$ to have an absolute-integrable Fourier Transform $F(w)$: $\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty |F(w)| dw < \infty$?

Are there functions $f(t)$ with $||f'(t)||_\infty < \infty$ such as their Fourier transform $F(w)$ makes $\int_{-\infty}^\infty|wF(w)|dw \to \infty$??

What is spectral leakage?

computations problem with reverse Fourier transform