New posts in upper-lower-bounds

Supremum of an intersection of sets

Asymptotic behavior of number of triples $i,j,k\le n$ with pairwise bounded least common multiples each $\le n$.

Rudin Theorem $1.11$

How to modify the function $y=a-be^{-cx}$ so that it will look wavy? [ other forms can be suggested ]

Show That a Power Of 17 Exists Between $2^{16},2^{17}$

Which conditions must fulfill $f(t)$ to have an absolute-integrable Fourier Transform $F(w)$: $\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty |F(w)| dw < \infty$?

Inequality with binomial coefficients $ \binom{2n-1}{n} + \binom{2n-1}{n+1} + \cdots + \binom{2n-1}{n+z} \geq (2z+3)\binom{2n-2}{n+z} $

What numerical lower bound on the index of an odd perfect number is implied by the results in F.-J. Chen and Y.-G. Chen's 2014 paper?

Lower bound for $Pr(X > E[X])$ where $X$ is a non-negative integer random variable

Smallest $k$ such that $\phi(\phi(\phi(..._k(\phi(n)))))=1$

Upper bound for the sine integral

Find a lower bound of $-\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{(1-2a+x)^2-8(-3-4a-3x-2ax)}-\frac{1}{4}(1-2a+x)$

An interesting integral $\cos(x)\cos(x^2)\cos(x^3)...$

How to prove that $x_n = nq^n$ for $|q| < 1$ is bounded?

On the inequality $I(q^k)+I(n^2) \leq \frac{3q^{2k} + 2q^k + 1}{q^k (q^k + 1)}$ where $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number

What are the asymptotic bounds for the $L^1$-norm of the Dirichlet kernel?

Show that $\mathbb{E}\left|\hat{f_n}-f \right| \leq \frac{2}{n^{1/3}}$ where $\hat{f_n}$ is a density estimator for $f$

Bounds on $\sum\limits_{k=1}^n \frac{\sin(k)}{k}$

Does the following lower bound improve on $I(q^k) + I(n^2) > 3 - \frac{q-2}{q(q-1)}$, where $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number? - Part II

Binary programming problem. Any closed solution and/or lower bound for this particular case?