New posts in order-theory

What is the smallest poset with automorphism group $C_n$?

Ideals and filters

Greatest lower bound property and least upper bound property

If $X$ and $Y$ are two ordered sets, how many orderings of $X \times Y$ exist that preserve the orderings of $X$ and $Y$?

If $X$ is an order topology and $Y \subset X$ is closed, do the subspace topology and order topology on $Y$ coincide?

Every poset is embedded into a meet-semilattice

Number of directional orders for $n$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$?

a totally ordered set with small well ordered set has to be small?

Rudin Theorem $1.11$

When multiplying by $i$ in inequalities, does the sign flip?

Basic Set Theory Question from General Topology by Stephen Willard

What does a well ordering of $\mathbb{R}$ look like? [duplicate]

Order embedding from a poset into a complete lattice

Given an infinite poset, show that it contains either a infinite chain or an infinite totally unordered set. [duplicate]

How long does a sequence need to be to be guaranteed to have a monotonic subsequence length k?

What is an interval of a lattice?

Is the Knaster-Tarski Fixed Point Theorem constructive?

Is the following relation on disjoint subsets of [n] transitive?

"There is no well-ordered uncountable set of real numbers"

Is a directed set countable, if for each element there are only finitely many smaller ones?