New posts in constructive-mathematics

Axiom of Choice - Type Theory (Proof)

Dense topology <=> double negation operator in a constructive metatheory?

Are there still mathematicians who don't accept proof by contradiction?

What is the dual of implication?

constructive canonical form of orthogonal matrix

ZF Set Theory and Law of the Excluded Middle

About Gödel-Gentzen negative translation

Is the Knaster-Tarski Fixed Point Theorem constructive?

Equivalence between Peirce's law and Excluded Middle in Intuitionistic logic

Is there any result that has applications that can't be proved in constructive mathematics?

Is there a simple example of how the law of the excluded middle can be inapplicable?

Examples of co-implication (a.k.a co-exponential)

Is there a “nice” “constructive” field of numbers?

Is there a clean non-contrived theorem that can only be proven by contradiction?

Law of Excluded Middle Controversy

How or why does intutionistic logic proof negations from within the theory, constructively?

Examples of non-constructive results

Online tools for checking validity of classical, intuitionistic, ... logic formulas?

Equivalence between middle excluded law and double negation elimination in Heyting algebra

Constructible problems for which the solution is non-constructible?