New posts in relations

$R$ is transitive if and only if $ R \circ R \subseteq R$

Direct products in the category Rel

Equivalence closure

Associativity of cartesian product and nested ordered n-tuples

Reflexive Transitive Closure

Is the following relation on disjoint subsets of [n] transitive?

The relation "is strictly higher than" is considered antisymmetric?

What is the correct notation for a multivariable function?

Why is the empty set finite?

How do I define exactly what a function is?

Can a relation with less than 3 elements be considered transitive?

Is this relation symmetric? I think it is but my professor claims it isn't.

Is the empty set partially ordered ? Also, is it totally ordered?

Can a relation be transitive when it is symmetric but not reflexive? [duplicate]

A relation that is both an equivalence relation and a function. [closed]

A problem about symmetric relations on finite sets.

How many injective functions from $\{5,6,7,8,9\}$ to itself map $5$ and $6$ to another number?

Converses of transitivity

Is an reflexive relation also antisymetric?

representing anti-simmetric relations with directed graphs