New posts in real-numbers

Supremum of an intersection of sets

Could Euclid have proven that real number multiplication is commutative?

Proving (without using complex numbers) that a real polynomial has a quadratic factor

Is there a mathematical statement that is linking integer limits to real limits?

The well ordering principle

For what $x$ is there some $k$ such that $x\uparrow\uparrow k$ is an integer?

Geometric interpretation of a quintic's roots as a pentagon?

negation of mathematical statements- Real Analysis example

Is there a "one-line" proof of $x<y\Rightarrow x^n<y^n$ (for $n$ an odd natural number)?

Who first proved that the second-order theory of real numbers is categorical?

For any unbounded set of real numbers, is there a subset which almost coincides with a uniformly spread out set of points an infinite amount of times?

Connected subsets of set

If $A$ is dense in $\Bbb Q$, then it must be dense in $\Bbb R$.

Pondering $f(x) = \alpha x$ for an irrational $\alpha$.

Dimension of R over Q without cardinality argument. [duplicate]

When is an Integer a Rational Number, and are All Ratios Rational, Even $\frac{\sqrt{7}}{2}$?

How can I mathematically split up a 3 digit number?

Factorize $a^5+a^4+a^3+a^2+a+1$

Taking the square root of an imaginary number

Clarification on Pauli matrices