New posts in exponentiation

Pretty conjecture $x^{\left(\frac{y}{x}\right)^n}+y^{\left(\frac{x}{y}\right)^n}\leq 1$

Fractional part of rational power arbitrary small

Calculate $\sum\limits_{i=0}^\infty(2^{2^{(-i)}}-1)$

Is there a deeper reason why exponentiation is not associative?

Given an integer, how can I detect the nearest integer perfect power efficiently?

Algebraic equation problem - finding $x$

Isn't square root a bit like Log()?

Find all integers $n, n\gt2$ such that $n^{n-2}=x^n$ for some $x$

Proving a number defined by a sequence is a square number

How to calculate the power modulo $990$ without a calculator?

Comparing Powers of Different Bases

Basic Mathematics. Trouble with proof, powers and odd numbers.

References to supplement Goldblatt's "Topoi"

What is the math behind this transformation on exponents that are logarithms?

Number theory: $x^y + 1 = y^x$

Find all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ such that $\left( \sqrt{2-\sqrt{2} }\right)^x+\left( \sqrt{2+\sqrt{2} }\right)^x=2^x$.

What is the meaning of number 1e5?

Unit Quaternion to a Scalar Power

$2^\sqrt{10}$ vs $3^2$

How to evaluate powers of powers (i.e. $2^3^4$) in absence of parentheses?