New posts in exponentiation

Does pow() work for int data type in C? [duplicate]

Why am I getting 2 different answers for Integral exp(ix) from 0 to Infinity

Proving that $8^x+4^x\geq 5^x+6^x$ for $x\geq 0$.

How to find out the greater number from $15^{1/20}$ and $20^{1/15}$?

Prove that $a^{4b}+b^{4a}\geq \frac{1}{2}$

Find the limit of $\frac{(n+1)^\sqrt{n+1}}{n^\sqrt{n}}$.

Who introduced the notation $x^2$? [closed]

"Wild" exponents of $e$

Is there a way to solve composite exponential equations precisely?

Intuitive explanation of $(a^b)^c = a^{bc}$

Is $n^n$ a perfect square or not?

Which is greater: $1000^{1000}$ or $1001^{999}$

Contradiction with Power functions with odd exponent? [duplicate]

What's the difference between $3^{3^{3^3}}$ and $27^{27}\;$?

Taking the square root of an imaginary number

Solving base e equation $e^x - e^{-x} = 0$

An exponential "rearrangement" inequality: $x^x+y^y>x^y+y^x$ [duplicate]

What is bigger: $\sqrt2^{\sqrt3^\sqrt3}$ or $\sqrt3^{\sqrt2^\sqrt2}$?

Prove that $x^x+y^y=z^z$ doesn't have integer solutions

Solving $z^z=z$ in Complex Numbers