New posts in number-comparison

$2^\sqrt{10}$ vs $3^2$

How to find out the greater number from $15^{1/20}$ and $20^{1/15}$?

Compare $\arcsin (1)$ and $\tan (1)$

$211!$ or $106^{211}$:Which is greater?

What is bigger: $\sqrt2^{\sqrt3^\sqrt3}$ or $\sqrt3^{\sqrt2^\sqrt2}$?

Prove by contradiction (not using a calculator) that $\sqrt6 + \sqrt2 < \sqrt{15}$?

Which of the following numbers is greater?

Prove $2^{135}+3^{133}<4^{108}$

How can I prove that $2^{\sqrt 7}$ is bigger than $5$?

Which is greater, $300 !$ or $(300^{300})^\frac {1}{2}$?

Pairwise comparing two sequences (notation)

Showing $\sqrt{2}\sqrt{3} $ is greater or less than $ \sqrt{2} + \sqrt{3} $ algebraically

How to prove that $7^{31} > 8^{29}$

Which is greater $\frac{13}{32}$ or $\ln \left(\frac{3}{2}\right)$

Which of the numbers is larger: $7^{94}$ or $9^{91} $?

How to determine without calculator which is bigger, $\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}}$ or $\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}$

Proving that $3^{(3^4)}>4^{(4^3)}$ without a calculator

Prove that: $ \cot7\frac12 ^\circ = \sqrt2 + \sqrt3 + \sqrt4 + \sqrt6$

Simple proof that $8\left(\frac{9}{10}\right)^8 > 1$

Which is greater, $98^{99} $ or $ 99^{98}$? [duplicate]