New posts in monotone-functions

Proving monotonicity of this ratio of Hypergeometric functions

Splitting a continuous monotonically-increasing function $f(x)$ as $h(x)+h(x+\epsilon) = f(x)$

Find all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ such that $\left( \sqrt{2-\sqrt{2} }\right)^x+\left( \sqrt{2+\sqrt{2} }\right)^x=2^x$.

Is this function increasing in $x$?

Why is a strictly monotonic mapping between intervals continuous?

A smooth nowhere analytic function such that all derivatives are monotone

Why is a bijection that preserves connectedness on $\mathbf{R}$ must be monotone?

$f$ continuous s.t $|f|$ increasing and $|f|\le x$ then $f$ unifrmly continuous

Continuity of derivative of convex function

If $g:[0,1] \to \Bbb{R}$ such that $g(x)=g(y) \implies g'(x)=g'(y)$ for all $x,y \in (0,1)$, then $g$ is monotonic?

$f'=0$ on a co-countable set implies $f$ constant? [duplicate]

Interval of monotonicity of the function $f(x)=\frac{\ln (\pi+x)}{\ln (e+x)}$

From which n is this sequence monotone?

Showing $f(kx,ky)\geq f(x,y)$

Monotone functions and continuity

If $f$ is continuous and $f'(x)\ge 0$, outside of a countable set, then $f$ is increasing

A function with a non-negative upper derivative must be increasing?

Complete monotonicity of a sequence related to tetration

The function $f (n) = (1 + 1 / n) ^ {n+1}$ is decreasing

Proving monotonicity of a function $g$