New posts in interpolation

Floating point linear interpolation

Smoothest function which passes through given points?

Proving monotonicity of this ratio of Hypergeometric functions

Replace NA with interpolated value for specific column fields in r

Find a smooth function with prescribed moments

How do you do bicubic (or other non-linear) interpolation of re-sampled audio data?

Natural cubic splines vs. Piecewise Hermite Splines

A Curious Binomial Sum Identity without Calculus of Finite Differences

$f(x)=1/(1+x^2)$. Lagrange polynomials do not always converge. why?

Why is Lagrange interpolation numerically unstable?

imresize - trying to understand the bicubic interpolation

Why is $L^{1} \cap L^{\infty}$ dense is in $L^{p}$?

Generate colors between red and green for an input range [duplicate]

xarray interp variable with two dimensional gird into one point

Speedup scipy griddata for multiple interpolations between two irregular grids

If $P(x)=\sum_{i=0}^da_i\left(\prod_{j=i}^{d+i-1}(x+j)\right)$ is linear, what is its constant term?

AngularJS strategy to prevent flash-of-unstyled-content for a class

Quadrilateral Finite Elements must be convex and not self-intersecting. But why?

Piecewise linear integer curve interpolation in C#/Unity3D

Evaluate derivative of Lagrange polynomials at construction points