New posts in lambert-w

Can $x^{x^x}=k$ be solved using the W function?

Smoothness of $\frac12[W_0(x)+W_{-1}(x)]$ for real $x<0$

How to derive the Lambert W function series expansion?

How does one solve for $x$ in the equality $a^x = bx + c$?

Why can't $y=xe^x$ be solved for $x$?

Evaluation of an integral involving the Lambert W function

Transcendental equations involving more than 2 terms

what is exactly analytic continuation of the product log function

Does an iterated exponential $z^{z^{z^{...}}}$ always have a finite period

Are those two numbers transcendental?

For what values does this method converge on the Lambert W function?

Solving $x + 3^x < 4$ analytically

Solve $-2^x-x/2=0$ analytically

Closed form of an integral involving Lambert function

Lambert W function aproximation

Lambert- W -Function calculation?

Closed form of an improper integral to solve the period of a dynamical system

Another interesting integral related to the Omega constant

LambertW(k)/k by tetration for natural numbers.

Solutions of $a^{a^x}=x$ for fixed $a>0$