New posts in lambert-w

Complete monotonicity of a sequence related to tetration

Does $\int_0^{\infty} \left( p + q W \left( r e^{- s x + t} \right) + u x \right) e^{- x} d x$ have a closed-form expression?

Solving $4x = e^x$ without graphing and looking for intersection

Proving that if $|W(-\ln z)| < 1$ then $z^{z^{z^{z^...}}}$ is convergent

Closed form of $\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty} \frac{n^{n - k}}{e^{n} \cdot n!}$

Solving $x^{x^x}=c$ with Lambert's W function

Proof of strictly increasing nature of $y(x)=x^{x^{x^{\ldots}}}$ on $[1,e^{\frac{1}{e}})$?

How to check if some equation can be solved using Lambert $\operatorname{W}$ function.

Approximating Lambert W-function as a fraction of logarithm

Convergence properties of $z^{z^{z^{...}}}$ and is it "chaotic"

How can one find the zeroes of $f(x)=ae^{bx}+cx+d$?

Inverse of $y=xe^x$

Lambert function approximation $W_0$ branch

Approximation to the Lambert W function

How to solve $x e^x + x = 1$?

How to solve this equation $x^{2}=2^{x}$?

Interesting integral related to the Omega Constant/Lambert W Function

Could this approximation be made simpler ? Solve $n!=a^n 10^k$