New posts in exponential-function

Solving $p^x = x^q$ [closed]

Intuition for why equations of the form $k^x=x^c$ are not solvable trivially?

Is there any proof for this formula $\lim_{n \to \infty} \prod_{k=1}^n \left (1+\frac {kx}{n^2} \right) =e^{x/2}$?

Solve: $2^{\cos^{2014}x} - 2^{\sin^{2014} x} = \cos^{2013} (2x)$

Integral of exponential function with polynomial argument

Limit involving $(\sin x) /x -\cos x $ and $(e^{2x}-1)/(2x)$, without l'Hôpital

Physical intuition for the solution to $y' = y$.

Derivative of exponential function proof

Can I interpret the exponential of the derivative operator, $e^D$, as infinite shift operators each shifting "infinitesimally"?

if $f(x + y) = f(x)f(y)$ is continuous, then it has to be injective.

How do we know the Taylor expansion for $e^x$ works for all $x$? Or that it's analytic?

What is $ \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{1}{e^n}\Bigl(1+\frac1n\Bigr)^{n^2}$?

Convergence of the function series $\sum \frac{n!}{(nx)^n}$ for $x<0$

Searching two matrix A and B, such that exp(A+B)=exp(A)exp(B) but AB is not equal to BA. [duplicate]

How to modify the function $y=a-be^{-cx}$ so that it will look wavy? [ other forms can be suggested ]

What is the formula for diminishing percentages?

Proof of Euler's formula that doesn't use differentiation?

What is the inverse of $2^x$? [duplicate]

A function that grows faster than any function in the sequence $e^x, e^{e^x}, e^{e^{e^x}}$...

Find all real solutions for $x$ in $2(2^x−1)x^2+(2^{x^2}−2)x=2^{x+1}−2$.