New posts in exponential-function

A diophantine equation with unknown exponents: $ 4^n + 5^n = 7^m + 2^m $

Find all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ such that $\left( \sqrt{2-\sqrt{2} }\right)^x+\left( \sqrt{2+\sqrt{2} }\right)^x=2^x$.

Proof of the inequality $e^x\le e^{x^2} + x$ [duplicate]

The matrix exponential: Any good books?

The image of a horizontal line Im(z)=pi/4 for the complex number f(z)=e^z

Why is $(10/x)^x$ biggest when $10/x = e$?

Fake proof that $\frac{e^x-1}{e^x+1}=e^x$, via integrating $\operatorname{sech} x$ in two ways

Stirling's formula Baby Rudin

Evaluate $\lim\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty}\left(\frac{n^2 + 1}{n^2 - 2}\right)^{n^2}$

How to prove $(\frac{n+1}{e})^n<n!<e(\frac{n+1}{e})^{n+1}$ without integrating method?

Why the number e(=2.71828) was chosen as the natural base for logarithm functions? [duplicate]

How does one solve for $x$ in the equality $a^x = bx + c$?

How to compute time ordered Exponential?

Is $e^x=\exp(x)$ and why?

Solve equation $\exp(ax)+\exp(bx)=1$

prove that $\frac{1-e^{-x^2}}{x}\le 2\sqrt{2} , \ x>0$,

Solve an equation with linear and exponential functions, $x=10^{x/10}$ [closed]

Find the number of natural solutions of $5^x+7^x+11^x=6^x+8^x+9^x$

Prove this limit without using these techniques, and for beginner students: $\lim_{x\to0} \frac{e^x-1-x}{x^2}=\frac12$

Find $\lim_{x\to-\infty}{x+e^{-x}}$