New posts in matrix-calculus

Why the order of Chain Rule all weird in matrix derivatives behind machine learning?

Gradient of a matrix?

How to take the derivative of a matrix with respect to itself?

How to calculate the derivative of log det matrix?

Determinant of matrix with binomial coefficients entries

Continuity of an "SVD" operator

Solution to a matrix-valued ODE is invertible at all times assuming it is at a given time.

every real symmetric matrix has at least one real eigenvalue. [duplicate]

Second order approximation of log det X

If $f(A)\to A^{-1}$, prove that $f$ is continuous.

How to compute time ordered Exponential?

How to find the derivative of the commutator map?

Chain rule and derivative with matrix product?

Find eigenvalue of $B= I + A^{-1}+A^{-2}+A^{-3}+...$

Calculating matrix exponential

Prove that if $\operatorname{rank}A=n$, then $\operatorname{rank}AB=\operatorname{rank}B$

Compute the derivative of $\mbox{tr}(AXB)$ with respect to $X$

Proving Nonhomogeneous ODE is Bounded

convexity of matrix "soft-max" (log trace of matrix exponential)

Compute the derivative of $f (x) := Ax$ w.r.t. matrix $A$ [closed]