Gradient of a matrix?

I was following Stephen Boyd's convex optimisation course and came across the following slide:

enter image description here

Can somebody explain to me how the gradient was calculated for the quadratic and least-squares objective. Is there a general method to find the gradient of a matrix?

Solution 1:

$f$ is an normal real valued function. If you want you can write it componentwise as

$$f(x) = {1\over 2}\sum_j\sum_k p_{jk}x_jx_k + \sum_j q_jx_j + r$$

Now the first double sum contains the $x_jx_k$ term twice if $j\ne k$ and if $j=k$ it becomes an $x_j^2$ term, so the derivate with respect to $x_j$ becomes:

$$f'_j(x) = \sum p_{jk}x_k + q_j$$

Which in matrix notation becomes

$$\nabla f(x) = Px + q$$

Solution 2:

I simply would use the Gâteaux-Derivative. That derivative is the natural expansion of the 1D Derivative $$\frac{d}{dx}f(x) = \lim_{δx→0}f(x+δx)$$to higher dimensions. Since your function maps $f:ℝ^n→ℝ$ we need an arbitrary direction $δx∈ℝ^n$, and a small increment $ε>0$. Using that "$|_{ε=0}$ formulation the Gâteaux-Derivative for your function reads \begin{align*} d(\|Ax-b\|²;[x,δx]) = (\frac{d}{dε}\|A(x+εδx) - b\|²)\big|_{ε=0} \end{align*}

First it is \begin{align*} \frac{d}{dε}\|A(x+εδx) - b\|² =& \frac{d}{dε}[(A(x+εδx) - b, A(x+εδx) - b)] \\ =&\frac{d}{dε}[\{(Ax, Ax)+ (Ax,Aεδx) + (Ax, -b)\} \\ &+ \{(Aεδx, Ax) + (Aεδx, Aεδx) + (Aεδx, -b)\} \\ &+ \{(-b, Ax) + (-b, Aεδx) + (-b, -b)\} ] \\ =¹&\frac{d}{dε}[\{\|Ax\|²+ \|b\|²+ 2(Ax, -b)\} \\ &+ ε\{2(Ax,Aδx) + 2(-b, Aδx)\} \\ &+ ε²\|Aδx\|² ]\\ =& \{2(Ax,Aδx) + 2(-b, Aδx)\} + 2ε\|Aδx\|². \end{align*} ¹Sorting by powers of ε.

Setting ε=0, yields \begin{align*} (\frac{d}{dε}\|A(x+εδx) - b\|²)\big|_{ε=0} &= 2(Ax,Aδx) + 2(-b, Aδx) \\ &= 2(Ax-b, Aδx)= (2A^\top[Ax-b], δx). \end{align*}

Hence, the derivative is $2A^\top[Ax-b]$.

That is because, $∇f = (∂_{e_1}f, ∂_{e_2}f, …)^T$. So replacing δx with $e_i$ gives: $$∂_{e_i} = {2A^\top[Ax-b]}_i.$$

Higher derivatives can be calculated in the same way: \begin{align*} \frac{d}{dε}(2A^\top[A(x+δxε-b])\big|_{ε=0} &= (2A^\top Aδx)\big|_{ε=0} \\ &=2A^\top Aδx \end{align*} $⇒∇^2f(x) = 2A^\top A.$