New posts in matrix-calculus

Prove that $e^{t(X+Y)}=e^{tX} e^{tY}$ implies $[X,Y]=0$

How to find the derivative of the following vectors and matrices

Differentiation with respect to a matrix (residual sum of squares)?

Prove that $\displaystyle\lim_{k \to \infty} \left( I + \frac{1}{k}A \right)^{k} = e^A$

Derivative of quadratic matrix form with respect to the matrix

Second order Taylor expansion of Frobenius norm

How to show $\frac {\partial a^{T}X^{-1}b}{\partial X} = -\left( X^{-1}\right) ^{T}ab^{T}\left( X^{-1}\right) ^{T}$? [duplicate]

What is the gradient of a matrix product AB?

Explicit proof of the derivative of a matrix logarithm

Derivative of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix w.r.t. to its Lower Triangular Cholesky Factor

Derivative of von Neumann entropy

Reference Request: Differentials of Operators

If $A^2=2A$, then $A$ is diagonalizable.

Smoothness of $O(n)$-equivariant maps of positive-definite matrices

Quadratic matrix equation $XAX=B$

How to find the gradient and the Hessian of $f(X) = b^TX^TXc\,$?

Calculate the Hessian of a Vector Function

Matrix chain rule question: what is $\frac{d}{dX} f(S)$ where $S = (A+X)^{-1}$

$\frac{\partial}{\partial X_{ij}} \sum_k\sum_l\sum_m\sum_n X_{lk}C_{lm}X_{mn}N_{nk}=\sum_m\sum_n C_{im}X_{mn}N_{nj} + \sum_k\sum_l X_{lk}C_{li}N_{jk}$

Taylor expansion of a function of a symmetric matrix