New posts in matrix-equations

Solving non square matrix equations

Solution to a matrix-valued ODE is invertible at all times assuming it is at a given time.

Finding the basis of $\mathfrak{so}(2,2)$ (Lie-Algebra of $SO(2,2)$)

How to rotate the positions of a matrix by 90 degrees

Prove that the Sylvester equation has a unique solution when $A$ and $-B$ share no eigenvalues

Simultaneously diagonalization of two matrices.

Number of solutions of a matrix algebraic equation

Is it allowed to use augmented matrix technique in solving system of non-linear equations

Matrix version of Pythagoras theorem

Find matrix $A\in \mathcal{M}_n (\mathbb{N})$ such that $A^k =\left( \sum_{i=1}^{k}10^{i-1} \right)A$.

Why solving $Ax = b$ is equivalent to minimize $\frac{1}{2}x^TAx - b^Tx$ over x

Are there different ways to solve 3x3 matrices?

what do free variable and leading variables mean?

If $A^2=2A$, then $A$ is diagonalizable.

If the product of two square matrices is invertible, then both matrices are invertible

Show that a matrix $A=\pmatrix{a&b\\c&d}$ satisfies $A^2-(a+d)A+(ad-bc)I=O$

Quadratic matrix equation $XAX=B$

Can a $1 \times 1$ Matrix be any of these following type? [closed]

What is the inverse of the $\mbox{vec}$ operator?

Does this $3\times 3$ matrix exist? [duplicate]