New posts in matrix-equations

How to solve $\textbf{x}''(t)=\begin{bmatrix}-1&0\\0&-1\end{bmatrix}\textbf{x}(t)$

Find $A^{1000}$ by using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

Is there some sort of pattern to multiplying matrices?

Matrix equation in characteristic 2

Are there uncountably many $A\in M_3 (\mathbb {R})$ such that $A^8=I $?

Conversion of rotation matrix to quaternion

Finding the 10th root of a matrix

What is the dimension of $\{X\in M_{n,n}(F); AX=XA=0\}$?

How to follow matrix operations in proofs?

Solving for $A$ in $Ax = b$

pi approximation with Newton's method to an arbitrary rate of convergence

Find the relationship between $p$ and the number of solutions of this system, using the Kronecker - Capelli Theorem:

On the complex matrix equation $AX-XA=B$

Square roots of the basic Jordan block of order $n$ associated with the eigenvalue $1$

Let $A, B$ be $n\times n$ with $n\ge 2$ nonsingular matrices with real entries such that $A^{-1} + B^{-1} =(A+B)^{-1}$

Proving a sum of matrices is invertible

Must a matrix of which all conjugates have zero diagonal be zero?

Solving inhomogenous ODE

Is there a general form for the derivative of a matrix to a power?

Method of characteristics for a system of pdes