New posts in matrix-equations

Simultaneous orthogonalization in Arnoldi iteration

Why use Gauss Jordan Elimination instead of Gaussian Elimination, Differences

Matrix algebra: The "magical inverse" trick

Solutions for $A^2=B$

Solve $X$ from $AXA^{-1}T = BXB^{-1}$

Do row operations change the column space of a matrix?

For $z, a, b, c \in \mathbb{R}$ solve this system of linear equations

Find the inverse of a submatrix of a given matrix

Solving $AB - BA = C$

Matrix equation $AX=B$

Let $A$ and $B$ be two $3 \times 3$ invertible matrices such that $A$ is an idempotent matrix. Then find $\det B$.

Solve the matrix equation $X ^ 3 = A$, with $X \in M_2(\mathbb{R})$ and given $A$.

Is there a unique solution for this quadratic matrix equation?

Is $\exp:\overline{\mathbb{M}}_n\to\mathbb{M}_n$ injective?

Matrix Exponentiation in Olympiad Problem [duplicate]

Matrix with integer coordinates

If $\,A^k=0$ and $AB=BA$, then $\,\det(A+B)=\det B$

Prove the matrix equation $AX-XB=0$ only has $X=0$ as solution [closed]

$AB=BA$ implies $AB^T=B^TA$ when $A$ is normal

For every matrix $A\in M_{2}( \mathbb{C}) $ there's $X\in M_{2}( \mathbb{C})$ such that $X^2=A$?