New posts in jordan-normal-form

Number of Jordan forms from given characteristic polynomial and partitions

Proof for real Jordan canonical form

Similar Matrices and their Jordan Canonical Forms [duplicate]

Finding Jordan Basis of a matrix

Compute Jordan Form of the following matrix

Where does the Jordan canonical form show up in more advanced mathematics?

Possible Jordan Canonical Forms Given Minimal Polynomial

Finding Jordan Canonical form given the minimal and characteristic polynomial.

Jordan form step by step general algorithm

Finding Jordan Canonical form for 3x3 matrix

Jordan normal form for a characteristic polynomial $(x-a)^5$

Find the Jordan normal form of a nilpotent matrix $N$ given the dimensions of the kernels of $N, N^2, N^3$

Finding the Jordan canonical form of this upper triangular $3\times3$ matrix

Finding the number of Jordan Form Matrices

The exponential of a Jordan block

Determine if complex matrices are similar

Prove that $V = \ker(\phi^n) \oplus \text{image}(\phi^n)$

Jordan-Chevalley vs Jordan normal decomposition

Non-integral powers of a matrix

Why are there multiple Jordan Blocks corresponding to the same eigenvalue?