New posts in jordan-normal-form

On the complex matrix equation $AX-XA=B$

Square roots of the basic Jordan block of order $n$ associated with the eigenvalue $1$

Jordan form, number of blocks. [closed]

What is the purpose of Jordan Canonical Form?

Motivation for Jordan Canonical Form

$T: \mathbb{C}_{2020}[x]\to \mathbb{C}_{2020}[x]$, $\sum_{i=0}^{2020}a_ix^i \mapsto \sum_{i=0}^{2020}a_i(x-1)^i$

All nilpotent $2\times 2$ matrices

Why does the largest Jordan block determine the degree for that factor in the minimal polynomial?

Why do we need a Jordan normal form? [duplicate]

How to calculate the matrix exponential explicitly for a matrix which isn't diagonalizable?

Matrix exponential for Jordan canonical form

When can two linear operators on a finite-dimensional space be simultaneously Jordanized?

An intuitive approach to the Jordan Normal form

Why does the $n$-th power of a Jordan matrix involve the binomial coefficient?

Why does this matrix give the derivative of a function?