New posts in integer-partitions

Number of Jordan forms from given characteristic polynomial and partitions

Number of ways to partition $40$ balls with $4$ colors into $4$ baskets

Proof of the duality of the dominance order on partitions

Partition Generating Function

Number of partitions of $50$

Recurrence relations in the generating function of binary partitions

Formula for evaluation of character on a transposition

How many solutions does the equation $x_1 + x_2 + x_3 = 11$ have, where $x_1, x_2, x_3$ are nonnegative integers?

Identity involving pentagonal numbers

Bijection for $q$-binomial coefficient

Error in solution of Peter Winkler "red and blue dice" puzzle?

How many ways can $133$ be written as sum of only $1s$ and $2s$

Number of partitions of $2n$ with no element greater than $n$

Partitions with at most k parts, each of at most l

The number of ways to write a positive integer as the sum of distinct parts with a fixed length

What weights should I buy for my gym? (a case of integer partitioning)

Express an integer $m$ as sum of 1, 0 and -1 for fixed number of summands $j$

Sum of Prime Factorizations and Primes

Bijective Proof - partitions

Proving that odd partitions and distinct partitions are equal