The number of ways to write a positive integer as the sum of distinct parts with a fixed length

Solution 1:

Let $q(n,k)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into $k$ distinct parts. The generating function is $$Q_k(x)=\sum_{n\ge 0}q(n,k)x^n=\frac{x^{k+\binom{k}2}}{(1-x)(1-x^2)\dots(1-x^k)}\;.$$ A fairly terse derivation can be found in these notes. The numbers $q(n,k)$ are sequence A008289 in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences; the entry has a little more information and a reference.

Added: The $\binom{k}2$ in the exponent in the numerator corresponds naturally to the $\binom{k}2=\frac{k(k-1)}2$ in Zander’s answer; the reason for it can be found in the notes to which I linked.

Solution 2:

You can refer to the pages for Partition Function Q and Partition Function P at MathWorld. This comes straight from there.

The quantity you want is $Q(n,k)$, the number of partitions of $n$ into exactly $k$ distinct parts, which has the identity $$ Q(n,k) = P\left(n-\frac{k(k-1)}{2},k\right) $$ where $P(n,k)$ is the number of partitions of $n$ into exactly $k$ not-necessarily-distinct parts. MathWorld gives a recurrence relation for $P(n,k)$ in general and relatively simple formulas for $k\le 4$. In particular for the case in your example $k=3$ $$ P(n,3) = \mathrm{round}(n^2/12) $$ and hence $$ Q(n,3) = \mathrm{round}\left((n-3)^2/12\right) $$ where round is rounding to the nearest integer.

Solution 3:

Have a look to Henry Bottomley's site I like it very much and I hope it will help you. greetings s.h.