New posts in diagonalization

$A$ be a $2\times 2$ real matrix with trace $2$ and determinant $-3$

When is a complex symmetric matrix with only the last row and column being non zero diagonalizable?

Show that $B$ is diagonalizable if If $AB=BA$ and $A$ has distinct real eigenvalues

Showing when a permutation matrix is diagonizable over $\mathbb R$ and over $\mathbb C$

Can we say that the matrix $\begin{bmatrix} A & A \\ 0 & A \end{bmatrix}$ is diagonalizable if and only if $A = 0$?

Proving that a symmetric matrix is positive definite iff all eigenvalues are positive

If $A$ is invertible and $A^n$ is diagonalizable, then $A$ is diagonalizable.

An operator that commutes with another operator $T$ with distinct characteristic values is a polynomial in $T$

Simultaneously diagonalization of two matrices.

Suppose $e^A = A$, prove that $A$ is diagonalizable

For a linear map $f: V \to V$ if $f^2$ is diagonalizable and $\ker f = \ker f^2$ then is $f$ diagonalizable?

$A$ and $A^2$ have same characteristic polynomial

show that symmetric and anti-symmetric matrices are eigenvectors for linear map

Over which fields (besides $\mathbb{R}$) is every symmetric matrix potentially diagonalizable?

Is there any connection between a matrix being invertible and being diagonalizable?

Simultaneous diagonlisation of two quadratic forms, one of which is positive definite

Why this matrix is not diagonalizable? [closed]

If matrix A is invertible, is it diagonalizable as well?

Diagonalizable random matrix

Proof of a theorem on simultaneous diagonalization from Hoffman and Kunze.