New posts in bilinear-form

Are non-degenerate bilinear forms equivalent to isomorphisms $V \cong V^*$?

Non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form; dimension formulae.

In a metric Lie algebra, is the orthogonal complement of a Lie subalgebra a Lie subalgebra?

Signature of Bilinear Form.

Is it true that the whole space is the direct sum of a subspace and its orthogonal space?

Inner product of a quotient space

Trace of a bilinear form?

Given a subspace $V$ of a metric Lie algebra, does $[[V, V], V] \subset V$ imply $[V, V] \subset V$?

Using Lagrange's diagonalization on degenerate linear forms

Are all bilinear forms identically zero?

Prove that bilinear form can be presented as product of linear forms if and only if it has rank one

Is There a Basis Free Definition of the Pfaffian

Simultaneous diagonlisation of two quadratic forms, one of which is positive definite

Trace as Bilinear form on a field extension

Diagonalization of a symmetric matrix over algebraically closed field

Bilinear form with symmetric "perpendicular" relation is either symmetric or skew-symmetric

Functional Equation (no. of solutions): $f(x+y) + f(x-y) = 2f(x) + 2f(y)$

Do unital algebras induce (unique) bilinear forms?

Should isometries be linear?

Semisimplicity of so(B)