New posts in semisimple-lie-algebras

Prove Harish-Chandra's theorem on central characters with algebraic-geometrical observation and the linkage relations among weights

Why is a root system called a "root" system?

Weyl's theorem over non-algebraically closed fields

Derivations on semisimple Lie algebra

If $A$ is a direct sum of matrix algebra over $C$, what are all finite dimensional simple $A$-modules?

Fun example of representations of $sl_2(\mathbb C)$

How to show this $L$-module is simple? (related to the root space decomposition of semisimle Lie algebras)

Semisimplicity of so(B)

Equivalence of Two Cartan Subalgebra Definitions in Semi-Simple Lie Algebra

Picture of Root System of $\mathfrak{sl}_{3}(\mathbb{C})$

Irreducible Dual Representation

Good source of references for the classification of real semisimple Lie algebras

If $x\in L$ lies in exactly one Cartan subalgebra, then $x$ is regular

Is every element of a complex semisimple Lie algebra a commutator?

When will two isomorphic Lie algebras have the same representation?