New posts in quadratic-forms

Representing a number as a sum of at most $k$ squares

Solve $ \binom{a}{2} + \binom{b}{2} = \binom{c}{2} $ with $a,b,c \in \mathbb{Z}$

On products of ternary quadratic forms $\prod_{i=1}^3 (ax_i^2+by_i^2+cz_i^2) = ax_0^2+by_0^2+cz_0^2$

Hessian matrix of a quadratic form

Surface described by the equation $-3y^2 - 4xy + 2xz + 4yz - 2x - 2z + 1 = 0$

Existence of solutions to diophantine quadratic form

What conditions would make a system of two quadratic equations have one real solution?

How find this matrix $A=(\sqrt{i^2+j^2})$ eigenvalue

Is it true that the whole space is the direct sum of a subspace and its orthogonal space?

Minimum of a quadratic form

Gradient of $\sum_{i,j}^n A_{ij}x_i^TB^iC{B^j}^Tx_j$

Every nondegenerate quadratic form defined on a two dimensional space over a finite field is universal.

Minimize a Quadratic Cost Function on the Unit Simplex

What integers can be represented by the quadratic form $4x^2 - 3y^2 - z^2$?

Determining if a quadratic polynomial is always positive

Solution to a quadratic form

Elementary properties of integral binary quadratic forms

If $x^{T}A^{T}Ax = x^Tx$ holds for every $x$, then $A^{T} A = I_n$ [closed]

Showing $u^T M u \geq v^TMv$ when $M$ is symmetric PD and $u,v$ are $0-1$ vectors

Using Lagrange's diagonalization on degenerate linear forms