New posts in modular-forms

The Chudnovsky pi formula $1/\pi$ revisited

Relation between congruence subgroups. $\Gamma(M)\Gamma(N) = \Gamma(\gcd(M,N))$

Representing a number as a sum of at most $k$ squares

p-adic modular form example

Concerning the classical normalized Eisenstein series

Problems on definition of genus with multiplicative sequence.

Concrete and elementary applications of modular forms to elliptic curves

Modular transformations of $\eta(\tau)$

Purpose of cusps

Modular parametrization of elliptic curve

How to calculate $|\operatorname {SL}_2(\mathbb Z/N\mathbb Z)|$?

Weierstrass elliptic functions and ordinary differential equations

A question on FLT and Taniyama Shimura

Eisenstein Series and cusps of $\Gamma_{1}(N)$

How should I think about Ihara's Lemma?

Definition of cusp of a congruence group

Integral involving hypergeometric function $\int_0^1[{}_2F_1(\frac13,\frac23;1;x^3)]^2dx$

Why $f(z+1)=f(z)$ implies $f$ can be expressed as a function of $e^{2\pi iz}$

About the integral $\int_{0}^{1}\frac{\log(x)}{\sqrt{1+x^{4}}}dx$ and elliptic functions

Entire functions such that $f(z+\lambda_1)=af(z) \; , \; f(z+\lambda_2)=bf(z) $