New posts in matrix-norms

Is spectral radius = operator norm for a positive valued matrix?

Matrix Spectral Radius and Induced Matrix Norms

Upper-bound for nuclear norm of $A \circ (v \otimes v)$ in terms of operator norm (or nuclear norm) of matrix $A$ and $L_\infty$-norm of vector $v$.

Are matrix $p$-norms unitary invariant?

Second order Taylor expansion of Frobenius norm

How does one prove that the spectral norm is less than or equal to the Frobenius norm?

Derivative of L2 Norm of Matrix

Show that $||A-BC||_F^2 = ||A||_F^2+||BC||_F^2 - 2tr(C^TB^TA)$

Example of matrices that do not satisfy the submultiplicative property

Deriving the sub-differential of the nuclear norm

Upper bound on norm of Hermitian matrix

Operator norm calculation for simple matrix [closed]

Proving definition of norms induced by vector norms

Trace Norm properties

Prove that the nuclear norm is convex

Gradient of the $ {L}_{2, 1} $ Mixed Norm

Why is the operator $2$-norm of a diagonal matrix its largest value?

Proving $||A^{-1} v || \geq ||A^{-1} u ||$ implies $||v|| \geq ||u||$.

Prove $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\|A\|_{\infty} \leq\|A\|_{2} \leq \sqrt{m}\|A\|_{\infty} $

What are some usual norms for matrices?