New posts in matrix-norms

$\lim_{x\to\infty} K_{ij}(x) = 0$ BUT $\lim_{x\to\infty} ||K(x)||_{F} = \sqrt{n-1}$ !!!

Meaning of the spectral norm of a matrix

Why is the matrix norm $||A||_1$ maximum absolute column sum of the matrix?

Why is the Operator Norm so hard to calculate?

Average square gain of a matrix over all possible vectors

Show that the dual norm of the spectral norm is the nuclear norm

Why is Frobenius norm of a matrix greater than or equal to the 2 norm?

Frobenius norm of product of matrix

Show that the operator norm is submultiplicative

If $A = R R^T$, prove that $||R_1 R_1^T||_2 \le ||A||_2$ where $R_1$ is first column of $R$.

The Frobenius norm is submultiplicative

What is the difference between the Frobenius norm and the 2-norm of a matrix?

notation problem about $\left|\nabla f\right|$ and choice of vector norm