New posts in spectral-norm

Proximal Operator of Spectral Norm (Schatten Norm) of a Matrix

Is spectral radius = operator norm for a positive valued matrix?

How does one prove that the spectral norm is less than or equal to the Frobenius norm?

Spectral norm minimization via semidefinite programming

Spectral norm of random matrix

Operator norm calculation for simple matrix [closed]

Why is the operator $2$-norm of a diagonal matrix its largest value?

What's a sphere in the space of matrices?

Derivative of spectral norm of symmetric matrix

Meaning of the spectral norm of a matrix

Show that the dual norm of the spectral norm is the nuclear norm

Why is Frobenius norm of a matrix greater than or equal to the 2 norm?

Maximize $\langle \mathrm A , \mathrm X \rangle$ subject to $\| \mathrm X \|_2 \leq 1$

If $A = R R^T$, prove that $||R_1 R_1^T||_2 \le ||A||_2$ where $R_1$ is first column of $R$.

Why does the spectral norm equal the largest singular value?