New posts in nuclear-norm

Sum of singular values of a matrix

Rank, nuclear norm and Frobenius norm of a matrix.

Upper-bound for nuclear norm of $A \circ (v \otimes v)$ in terms of operator norm (or nuclear norm) of matrix $A$ and $L_\infty$-norm of vector $v$.

How to convert the matrix completion problem to the standard SDP form?

If matrix $A$ has entries $A_{ij}=\sin(\theta_i - \theta_j)$, why does $\|A\|_* = n$ always hold?

Minimization Least Squares with Nuclear Norm Regularization (Proximal Operator)

Deriving the sub-differential of the nuclear norm

Fast computation/estimation of the nuclear norm of a matrix

Trace Norm properties

Prove that the nuclear norm is convex

Show that the dual norm of the spectral norm is the nuclear norm

Why is minimizing the nuclear norm of a matrix a good surrogate for minimizing the rank?

Derivative of the nuclear norm