New posts in exponential-function

Is there a way to prove this exponential inequality: if $a>b$ then $a^a>b^b$ for $a,b>1$?

Solving base e equation $e^x - e^{-x} = 0$

On the conjecture that, for every $n$, $\lfloor e^{\frac{p_{n^2}\#}{p_{n^2 + 1}}}\rfloor $ is a square number.

How to solve a Non-algebraic equation?

Growth rate of $a^x - b^x$ ($a > b > 1$) as $x \to \infty$

Accuracy of the radiocarbon method (from a mathematical point of view)

Prove the roots of these exponential functions are integers?

Why is the formal solution to a linear differential equation of exponential form?

A function with a property $f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$

Prove that $\displaystyle\lim_{k \to \infty} \left( I + \frac{1}{k}A \right)^{k} = e^A$

Prove that $(e+x)^{e-x}>(e-x)^{e+x}$

Is $y={(-1)^{x\overπ}+(-1)^{-x\overπ}\over 2}$ the same as $y=\cos x$?

The centroid of the zeros of the kth partial sum of exp(z) is -1?

Commuting in Matrix Exponential [duplicate]

Why is $ \overline{e^z} = e^\overline{z} $?

What is the integral of $e^x \tan(x)$?

An inequality regarding power of two real numbers

Alternative argument to show that function diverges everywhere

Rational Exponent

prove that $ -2 + x + (2+x)e^{-x}>0 \quad \forall x>0$