New posts in branch-cuts

Smoothness of $\frac12[W_0(x)+W_{-1}(x)]$ for real $x<0$

Contour Integral $ \int_{0}^1 \frac{\ln{x}}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \mathrm dx$

Why would a branch cut not end at a branch point?

Branch cuts for $\sqrt{z^2+1}$

Branch Points of the Polylog function

Legendre relations for elliptic integrals with null imaginary part

Are multi-valued functions a rigorous concept or simply a conversational shorthand?

How to visualize $f(x) = (-2)^x$

Branch cut for $\sqrt{1-z^2}$ - Can I use the branch cut of $\sqrt{z}$?

Choosing a branch of the square root so that this rewriting works

Contour integral of $\sqrt{z^2-1}$ on $|z| = 2$

What are the branches of the square root function?

How misleading is it to regard $i$ as *the* square root of $-1$?

how to find the branch points and cut

Deducing $\int_0^{\pi}\log \sin x dx =-\pi\log 2$ from $\int_0^{\pi}\log (-2ie^{ix}\sin x) dx = 0$