New posts in binary-operations

Is there a deeper reason why exponentiation is not associative?

Associative, non-commutative, nontrivial operation on the real numbers

Symbol for "the greater of the two values"

Why should a non-commutative operation even be called "multiplication"?

How many Groups there are on a finite set?

Find the number of solutions for $\underbrace{x*x*\ldots*x}_{x\text{ 10 times}}=\frac{1}{10}$ with a given binary operation.

Why do empty operations give the identity?

Should we distinguish the minus sign from the negative sign?

$(\mathbb R, \oplus)$ is a group. Define a multiplication with which we get a field. Where $a \oplus b = a + b +1$

Proving this non-empty set and binary operation is a group [duplicate]

Prove that a semigroup satisfying $a^pb^q=ba$ is commutative

Is there a name for the operation $f^{-1}(f(x) \oplus f(y))$?

Do binary operations need to be surjective functions?

Are the addition and multiplication of real numbers, as we know them, unique?

Associative operation on a set $S$

A name for this property?

Are all algebraic commutative operations always associative? [duplicate]

Does this property of two binary operations have a name?

Non-associative, non-commutative binary operation with a identity

A question from 1989 leningrad mathematical olympiad