New posts in factoring

Can every irreducible cubic be proved irreducible using the Eisenstein criterion?

Different ways to factor

How to determine in polynomial time if a number is a product of two consecutive primes?

Why don't these different factorizations of $7$ contradict number ring is UFD?

Write $x^k - y^k$ as the product of two factors.

Factoring homogeneous polynomials in two variables.

Why isn't integer factorization in complexity P, when you can factorize n in O(√n) steps?

How can you factor $x^4-6x^3+8x^2+2x-1?$

How to factor $x^6+x^5-3\,x^4+2\,x^3+3\,x^2+x-1$ by hand?

Theoretical way to prove no positive integer $n$ exists such that $n+3$ and $n^2+3n+3$ are both perfect cubes.

Can any Polynomial be factored into the product of Linear expressions?

How many positive integers are factors of a given number?

Find all the prime factors of $1000027$

Factorize $a^5+a^4+a^3+a^2+a+1$

Factor $(a^2+2a)^2-2(a^2+2a)-3$ completely

Sum of factors of a huge number.

Is $x^4+4$ an irreducible polynomial?

Is there an easier way to see this factorisation

Proof for maximal ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ [duplicate]

Factoring a couple $5$th degree polynomials