New posts in topological-groups

The quotient space $S^3/S^1$ is homeomorphic to $S^2$

A Radon measure on $G$ being left-invariant on a dense subgroup $H \subset G$ is a Haar measure on $G$.

Haar measure - a problem from Folland

Is every topological group the topological fundamental group of an space?

For which topological measure spaces do open sets always have positive measure?

closed subgroup on a topological group

Endomorphisms preserve Haar measure

Disintegration of Haar measures

Profinite topology of a Group

Existence of deep enough open subgroups in profinite groups

Topological rings which are manifolds

support compact modulo subgroup

Is a subgroup of a topological group a topological group?

Is the symmetry group of a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ closed?

G/H is Hausdorff implies H is closed (General topology, Volume 1 by N. Bourbaki)

Is $[0,1]$ a topological group?

Munkres topology Exercise $2.22$ Question $1$

if $ H $ is a locally compact subgroup of a topological group $ G $, then $ H $ is closed in $ G $

Is the following proof valid? About the closure of a subgroup, of a topological group, being again a subgroup

Good book for studying $S_\infty$.