New posts in isometry

Some version of Itô isometry with conditional expectations

Is the symmetry group of a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ closed?

Are inner product-preserving maps always linear?

Quasi-isometry of finitely generated group

Any finite metric space can be isometrically embedded in $(\mathbb R^n,||\cdot||_\infty)$ for some $n$?

Isometric isomorphism between $\mathscr{C}_0(X)/\mathscr{M}$ and $\mathscr{C}_0(F)$

What is an example of two Banach spaces $X,Y$ such that $X$ embeds isometrically but not linearly into $Y$?

If there is an into isometry from $(\mathbb{R}^m,\|\cdot\|_p)$ to $(\mathbb{R}^n, \|\cdot\|_q)$ where $m\leq n$, then $p=q$?

Is every geodesic-preserving diffeomorphism an isometry?

How to define a Riemannian metric in the projective space such that the quotient projection is a local isometry?

Is an isometry necessarily surjective?

Show that $(l_1)^* \cong l_{\infty}$

Isometry of $(V\times W)^*$ with $V^*\times W^*$

Metric induced on linear group orbit is Riemannian homogeneous

Every partially defined isometry can be extended to a isometry

Identification of $\ell_1^n$ $(\ell_\infty^n)$ with $\ell_\infty^{n^*}$ $(\ell_1^{n^*})$.

Meaning of “modulo the identity matrix”

There exists a a metric space such that its group of isometries is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$.

Prove that the following application between $M_{n×n}(\Bbb R)$ and $M_{n^2×n^2}(\Bbb R)$ is an isometry such that $\det φ(X)≠ 0$ whether $\det X≠ 0$

A norm which is symmetric enough is induced by an inner product?