New posts in geodesic

Creating geodesics on manifolds

Geodesics of Sasaki metric

How to generalize the Euclidean "unicycle" model?

Is there an "opposite" of a geodesic?

Is a uniquely geodesic space contractible? II

Geodesic between two points

Shortest path between two points on a surface

Are nearby simple closed geodesics ambient isotopic?

When Two Connections Determine the Same Geodesics

Normal curvature visualization

Critical Curves of the Energy Functional are Geodesics

Is every geodesic-preserving diffeomorphism an isometry?

Group acting properly discontinuous but not cocompactly on a metric space

Hamiltonian for Geodesic Flow

Example for conjugate points with only one connecting geodesic

Computing geodesics (or shortest paths)

Show that $V^{\mu} = (\cos\phi, -\cot\theta \sin\phi)$ is a Killing's vector on the 2-sphere.

Metal Ball Cage Template Cardinality: A Brilliantly Lazy PROOF

Geodesic crosses every parallel in a surface of revolution.

References to understand $\frac{d}{dt} d(x,y) = \frac 12 \inf \int_\gamma g'(S,S) ds$, for flows on manifolds