New posts in geometric-group-theory

Is a HNN extension of a virtually torsion-free group virtually torsion-free?

Are all $\delta$-hyperbolic groups CAT(0)?

Is the fundamental group of a compact manifold finitely presented?

Cayley complex as universal covering space

How useful are geometric aspects when studying finite groups?

Are hyperbolic triangle groups hyperbolic?

Quasi-isometry of finitely generated group

Does $A$ have infinite order in $G= \langle A,B \ |\ B A B^{-1} = A^2 \rangle $?

Are all almost virtually free groups word hyperbolic?

Whats the difference between modular forms of different levels?

Group acting properly discontinuous but not cocompactly on a metric space

What is the easiest way to generate $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb Z)$?

Why is the knot group of the trefoil isomorphic to the group of 3-braids?

On which structures does the free group 'naturally' act?

H0w have group theory and fractal geometry been combined?

Prove an inequality on $l^2$ sequences over $F_2$

When is the automorphism group of the Cayley graph of $G$ just $G$?

What is the intution behind the ping-pong lemma?

Proper and cocompact group action by isometries on a metric space

Groups and generating sets