New posts in group-presentation

Is a HNN extension of a virtually torsion-free group virtually torsion-free?

free groups: $F_X\cong F_Y\Rightarrow|X|=|Y|$

Show that any subgroup of a finitely generated abelian group is finitely generated?

Is $\langle a,b \mid a^2b^2=1 \rangle$ a semidirect product of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$?

Can we apply relations in a group presentation one by one?

Does $A$ have infinite order in $G= \langle A,B \ |\ B A B^{-1} = A^2 \rangle $?

Is it possible that pair of isomorphic subgroups of finite group is conjugate in some larger group

Suppose $G$ is a group generated by elements $x$ and $y$ where $xy^2 = y^3x$ and $yx^3 = x^2y$ What can you prove about $G$? [duplicate]

Generalisation of the Symmetric Group

Von Dyck's theorem (group theory)

Character Table From Presentation

If we are handed the presentation $\langle i,j,k \mid i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk \rangle$ and nothing more, can we deduce that this is the quaternion group?

Let $G=\langle x, y\mid x^7=y^3= e, yxy^{−1}=e\rangle$. Find $|G|$. Find a group that is isomorphic to $G$. Explicitly state the isomorphism

Does this group presentation define a nontrivial group?

Let $G = \langle x, y \mid x^{7} = y^{3} = e,\; yxy^{−1} = x\rangle$. What is $|G|\,$?

How "bad" can presentation of the trivial group get?

Presentation of Rubik's Cube group

Identifying $\langle a,b\mid a^2b^2\rangle$.

Is almost any group generated by two generators?

Why the group $\langle x,y\mid x^2=y^2\rangle $ is not free?